Tasks are a great way to ask questions, provide additional information or offer insights. Task conversations appear at the right side (or bottom on smaller screens) of the task pane.
Add Comments
To add a comment:
- Select a task from the task list
- Click inside the comment field at the bottom of the task pane
- Type your comment
- Click the Post Comment button or hit Shift + Enter to post your comment
Edit Comments
Did you make a typo in one of your comments? No problem, you can still edit the comments you have posted.
To edit a comment:
- Hover over your comment
- Click the edit icon to the right of the comment
- Your comment turns into an editable text area
- Make the necessary changes to you comment
- Click Save changes to confirm your changes
Note that you can only edit your own comments.
Delete Comments
To delete a comment:
- Hover over your comment
- Click the X to the right of the comment
- Your comment gets deleted
Note that you can only delete your own comments.
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